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Click Here To Check NEW DOMAIN Availability For Your Blog Site(s)

Click Here To Check Background THEMES For Your Blog Site(s)
Bizness Inc -- Auto Blog Post System Posting To Multiple WordPress Sites, Auto Blog Posts To FaceBook Twitter
WELCOME TO THE BLOG AUTOMATION SIGN UP SCREEN. 3 EASY STEPS. STEP 1) Enter Correct Access Code and Click Activate Screen Button. (Action Buttons Disabled Until you enter Correct Access Code). Select an Auto Blog System From 1 of 3 Choices Below. Choose a New Domain For Your New Blog Site(s). Choose A Blog BackGround Theme And Fill In Grid Below.Bizness Inc -- Auto Blog Post System Posting To Multiple WordPress Sites, Auto Blog Posts To FaceBook Twitter

Access Code == 202944 Please enter the 2nd, 3rd and 6th numbers from the code into this field  

Click On This Link To To View Domain Availability For Your New Free Blog Site. After Seeing the Domain Is Available, Copy And Paste It Into The Domain Column In The Grid Below

Check this To Use Google Translate(click info link to left) to translate English Posts to Other Languages for your Non-English WordPress Sites

Select a Billing Plan Below And Hosting For This WordPress Domain Included In Each System Plan Below

Enter Info On Row 1 Below As It is Free Hosting With Sign Up. Rows 2 to 10 are optional extra blog sites at shown rates. Use this link To Choose Background For Your New Blog Site(s) Click On This Link To Pick One of 10 Initial Backgrounds Themes. After viewing the 10 Background Themes, Select The Number 1..10 In Grid For For Your New Blog Site(s)

USE CHECK BOX BELOW TO ADD SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Info (This is Optional)  

Check box to right for 2 more optional columns to appear in Grid above. Fill In your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keyword in one column and Web Site keywords link to in the other column

STEP 2) Fill In Fields Below To Set Up A Private Web Account For All Your Blog Posting. Then enter your credit card info and click Save and Continue Button as you will be shown total amounts before the Confirm Payment button becomes enabled.
Bizness Inc -- Auto Blog Post System Posting To Multiple WordPress Sites, Auto Blog Posts To FaceBook Twitter

First Name:                                         Last Name:

Login (User) Name:       EMail ID:

Organization Name:      Phone:

Credit Card Type:                                            Card Number:

CREDIT CARD Expiry (mm/yyyy):                Card CVV2 Code:

Name on Credit Card:

Billing Street 1:

Billing Street 2:

Billing City:

Billing State/Prov:                                                  Billing Country:

Zip / Postal Code:

(Processing Image Will Appear After You Click Save and Continue IF You Have Filled In All Required Fields Above)

STEP 3) Click on the Save and Continue Button and it will become disabled and the Confirm Payment Button will become enabled. Click Confirm Payment Button (it will become enabled) to Complete Sign Up Process. You will be emailed a link to your new account as well as an email confirmation of payment info and the choices you have selected above. Bizness Inc -- Auto Blog Post System Posting To Multiple WordPress Sites, Auto Blog Posts To FaceBook Twitter


Credit Card Billing Info (Billed at US Dollar rates Shown Above) Enter New Credit Card Information.Click Save and Continue to get: 1) Your Free New WordPress Blog Site Set Up With Free Hosting! 2) Your Auto Blog Posting System Set Up With Sample Auto Post! 3) Your Private Web Account Used For Billing as well as Auto Posting. Posts Can Included WordPress Categories and Tags.  This site is secured so you can trust your credit card number will be protected(encrypted with SSL)

Bizness Inc.'s Blog Auto Posting Systems 1 click can let you do recurring posts to all your WordPress Blog Sites and you can even send the same post to your FaceBook and Twitter Accounts each Day!
To Contact us via email, click on this link:
  Bizness Inc. Copyright 1994 - Present  BIZRAS_AP Bizness Inc.'s Web Blog Auto Posting Administration System. All Rights Reserved.